​Programs &
Wellbeing At Work
We provide innovative programs to enhance workplace well-being and performance, ultimately translating into improved organisational outcomes.
Our programs can be tailored to organisational needs and can include 1-to-1 coaching for employees or leaders, small group intensives for leadership teams, or organisational-wide training.
We deliver workshops focusing on a range of areas strongly related to well-being and performance including:
Stress management
Psychological Safety
Growth Mindset
Presentation Skills
Mental Health Awareness
Leadership Skills
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Mental illness related Absenteeism and reduced productivity is estimated to cost Australian businesses $11 billion every year.
To complement our Well-Being at Work programs, we also provide confidential Psychology, Counselling and EAP services for organisations. Our programs can assist with stress, burnout and mental illness, organsiational change and workplace injuries.